Use your right to vote in the Union Congress elections!
The Union Congress is the Industrial Union’s supreme decision-making body. It elects the Union’s management and administration and decides on the Union’s strategy, laying out the key aims of its operations.
Representatives in the Union Congress are chosen by vote from among the Union’s members.
Every member is entitled to vote.
Vote for the candidate who best represents your interests and who you think will help shape a fairer and safer future of work!
Find the candidate for you on the Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat list
A fine group of active Union members have stepped up to take their place as candidates for the Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat (“Industry Influencers”) electoral alliance.
The candidates come from the various industries, geographic areas, genders, age groups and national origins represented by the Union.
We consider it essential that the representatives in the Union Congress come from across the entire width of the Union’s diverse membership and that the voices of all member groups are heard.
What is Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat?
Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat is an electoral alliance that brings together courageous and innovative members who want to have a say in how our common concerns are handled. Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat is made up of Left Alliance and independent members. Use the voting advice application to find a candidate who represents your values on the Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat list (in Finnish):
The goals of the Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat electoral alliance
In the Union Congress elections, all our candidates have one shared core goal: to advocate for the interests of the Union’s members in both working life and society at large.
Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat has outlined a number of primary goals:
- Generally applicable collective agreements must be upheld.
- A single job must be enough to make a living.
- The equality of workers in working life must be defended.
- Terms of employment must be the same for all employees, regardless of their employment relationship or nationality.
- Underpayment of employees must be formally criminalised.
- Unreported employment must be combated.
- The rights of people in atypical employment must be defended.
- The conditions of temporary agency workers must be improved.
- Collective bargaining efforts must be directed towards increasing real earnings.
- Pay rises must be agreed in euros and must apply fairly and equitably to all.
- The right to strike must be preserved.
- The position and rights of shop stewards must be improved, and their skills must be supported.
- Full-time employment must be the primary form of employment contract.
- The Union must be an active participant in developing labour legislation and other legislation that affects its members.
- Workers’ right to safe and healthy working conditions must be defended in all workplaces.
- Shift workers’ ability to cope with work must be taken into consideration.
- Resources must be directed towards the prevention of occupational diseases.
- Social safety nets must function in all situations.
- Employers’ responsibility to make social security contributions must be upheld.
- Sufficient unemployment benefits must be ensured.
- The Union must be closely involved with the formulation of industrial policy and the promotion of export business.
- The use of timber and timber construction must be promoted.
- Environmental legislation must be tightened when it comes to environmental offenses.
You can find out more about Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat’s policy positions (in Finnish) in our manifesto at:
When and how do I vote?
If you are a member of the Industrial Union participating in the job market, you can vote electronically or by mail between the 10th and 31st of March 2023. Please use only one of the above voting methods. As a member of the Union, you will receive the election material and instructions at your home address.
There are 34 constituencies. Technology Industry and Technical Servicing and Maintenance workplaces are divided into geographic constituencies, while other workplaces use a national division of constituencies. You can only vote for candidates from your own constituency.
Make an impact, take action, vote!
The Union is as strong as its membership. Teollisuuden Vaikuttajat aims to build a strong and influential Industrial Union that offers its members the best possible guarantee that their interests will continue to be promoted and their conditions will continue to improve.
Download the printable brochure here (pdf file)